Advanced Library for Function Interpolation
No Matches
alfi::util::linalg Namespace Reference


template<typename Number = DefaultNumber, template< typename, typename... > class Container = DefaultContainer>
Container< Number > lup_solve (Container< Container< Number > > &&A, Container< Number > &&B, Number epsilon=std::numeric_limits< Number >::epsilon())
 Solves a system of linear equations using LUP decomposition.
template<typename Number = DefaultNumber, template< typename, typename... > class Container = DefaultContainer>
Container< Number > tridiag_solve_unstable (const Container< Number > &lower, Container< Number > &&diag, const Container< Number > &upper, Container< Number > &&right)
 Solves a tridiagonal system of linear equations.
template<typename Number = DefaultNumber, template< typename, typename... > class Container = DefaultContainer>
Container< Number > tridiag_solve (Container< Number > &&lower, Container< Number > &&diag, Container< Number > &&upper, Container< Number > &&right)
 Solves a tridiagonal system of linear equations.

Function Documentation

◆ lup_solve()

template<typename Number = DefaultNumber, template< typename, typename... > class Container = DefaultContainer>
Container< Number > alfi::util::linalg::lup_solve ( Container< Container< Number > > && A,
Container< Number > && B,
Number epsilon = std::numeric_limits<Number>::epsilon() )

Solves a system of linear equations using LUP decomposition.

This function solves the system of linear equations \(AX = B\), where \(A\) is a square matrix, by performing LUP decomposition and forward-backward substitution.
The input matrix \(A\) is decomposed into lower \(L\) and upper \(U\) triangular matrices, such that \(PA = LU\), transforming the equation into \(PLUX = B\) or \(LUX = PB\).

The solution is found in two stages:

  1. The first stage solves the system \(LY = PB\) for the intermediate vector \(Y\) using forward substitution.
  2. The second stage solves the system \(UX = Y\) for the final solution \(X\) using backward substitution.

If the pivot element in a given column is too small (less than the specified \(epsilon\)), the function returns an empty container, indicating that the matrix is degenerate, and prints the corresponding message to std::cerr.

The input matrix \(A\) and vector \(B\) are modified in place.

Athe matrix (2D container of size \(n \times n\))
Bthe right-hand side vector (1D container of size \(n\))
epsilona small threshold value to detect degeneracy (default is machine epsilon)
the solution vector or an empty container if the matrix is degenerate

◆ tridiag_solve_unstable()

template<typename Number = DefaultNumber, template< typename, typename... > class Container = DefaultContainer>
Container< Number > alfi::util::linalg::tridiag_solve_unstable ( const Container< Number > & lower,
Container< Number > && diag,
const Container< Number > & upper,
Container< Number > && right )

Solves a tridiagonal system of linear equations.

This function solves a system of linear equations \(AX = B\), where \(A\) is a tridiagonal matrix. The input vectors are modified in place.

Unlike tridiag_solve, this algorithm is generally unstable.
The sufficient conditions for this algorithm to be stable are (see this article:

  • \(\abs{diag[0]} \ge \abs{upper[0]}\),
  • \(\abs{diag[k]} \ge \abs{lower[k]} + \abs{upper[k]}, k = 1, 2, ..., n - 2\),
  • \(\abs{diag[n-1]} \ge \abs{lower[n-1]}\),
  • one of \(n\) inequalities is strict, i.e., \(>\) rather than \(\ge\).

The first element of lower and the last element of upper are ignored.

lowerthe subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix (first element is ignored)
diagthe diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix
upperthe superdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix (last element is ignored)
rightthe right-hand side vector of the system
the solution vector

◆ tridiag_solve()

template<typename Number = DefaultNumber, template< typename, typename... > class Container = DefaultContainer>
Container< Number > alfi::util::linalg::tridiag_solve ( Container< Number > && lower,
Container< Number > && diag,
Container< Number > && upper,
Container< Number > && right )

Solves a tridiagonal system of linear equations.

This function solves a system of linear equations \(AX = B\), where \(A\) is a tridiagonal matrix. The input vectors are modified in place.

Unlike tridiag_solve_unstable, this algorithm is stable.

The first element of lower and the last element of upper are ignored.

Based on the code from, which was licensed under the BSL-1.0 (Boost Software License 1.0).
lowerthe subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix (first element is ignored)
diagthe diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix
upperthe superdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix (last element is ignored)
rightthe right-hand side vector of the system
the solution vector